4 Perks of Starting Invisalign in the Summer

May 31, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — alexjohnson @ 7:00 pm
Woman smiling while walking on beach

The warmer months aren’t just great for soaking up some sun on the beach, relaxing by the pool, and traveling – summer is a great time to start Invisalign too. So, if you’ve been thinking about straightening your teeth with clear aligners, there’s no time like the present to start! If you’re not quite convinced yet, then keep reading to learn a few of the many perks of pursuing this discreet orthodontic treatment this season.


Is It Okay to Play Sports with Braces?

May 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — alexjohnson @ 2:14 pm
closeup of football gear

Playing sports offers fantastic opportunities for fitness and camaraderie. Whether you are playing casually with friends or competing on a school team or professionally, sports are a key part of many people’s lives. Luckily, having braces shouldn’t hinder your athletic pursuits! If you’re considering orthodontic treatment but want more information before making an appointment, read on for answers to common questions from your orthodontist about playing sports while wearing braces.
