Why Do My Teeth Feel Loose with Braces?

June 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — alexjohnson @ 1:32 pm
A woman with braces smiling and pointing to her teeth.

Straightening your teeth with the help of braces introduces a whole new set of changes to your mouth that you might not have experienced before. For example, if you don’t brush your teeth properly, you can develop permanent white spots from demineralization on them.  You are also responsible for caring for new equipment like your brackets, wires, and maybe even an expander. Another common side effect of braces you may not be expecting is that your teeth can sometimes feel loose or a little wiggly during treatment, which may be a little disconcerting at first, but here’s why you shouldn’t worry.

Why Do My Teeth Seem Loose?

Especially if you’ve already lost all your baby teeth, naturally this feeling of loose teeth is probably a little alarming. The good news, however, is that loose teeth are very common with braces, and in most cases nothing to be concerned about.

While it may seem like they’re in danger of falling out, rest assured that when you wear braces, your teeth remain attached to the periodontal ligaments that are connected to your jaw. The reason they suddenly feel loose is because the teeth are stretching and compressing in an effort to make a wider space. Eventually, your teeth will shift to a new position and the bone will be rebuilt, eliminating that loose feeling in the process.

Other Reasons Your Teeth May Seem Loose During Orthodontic Treatment

Another reason you may feel something loose in your mouth while wearing braces is that a wire may need to be adjusted or a bracket may have broken. If you are feeling anything odd, try to get a closer look with a dental mirror and see if your braces are in good shape. If not, contact your orthodontist for an emergency appointment. Your treatment won’t go according to schedule if your wires and brackets are not secure, so the sooner you can get this adjusted, the better.

Can Braces Make My Teeth Fall Out?

While wearing braces will not cause your teeth to fall out, there are still things that can. For example, not brushing your teeth can cause gum disease, which can eventually lead to tooth loss. It can also cause tooth decay, and if a tooth becomes so badly damaged it cannot be repaired, it may need to be extracted.

Loose feeling teeth can come as a bit of a surprise, but it’s usually nothing to worry about. Remember, in the end it will all be worth it when your braces come off and you’ve got a beautiful new smile to show for all your hard work!

About Dr. Johnson

Dr. Alex Johnson has been fascinated by orthodontics since he was 13 and got braces himself, so he can safely say he knows how the treatment feels. Today he stays on top of the changes in the field by taking continuing education classes at such prestigious institutions as the Pankey Institute, and by maintaining an active membership in the Florida Dental Association, American Academy of Sleep Medicine, and the American Association of Orthodontists. Additionally, he has taken courses in airway orthodontics, and is board certified in dental sleep medicine.

To schedule an appointment to get started on your own orthodontic journey, visit our website or call 727-387-0955.