Can Essential Oils Help with Sleep Apnea?

September 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — alexjohnson @ 6:37 pm
Lavender essential oil next to lavender flowers

Natural medicine is becoming ever more popular. For example, millions of people use essential oils as a remedy for a range of ailments. It is important to note that these oils are not a miracle cure for anything, but they can often provide some benefits. For example, they might be able to help you manage your sleep apnea symptoms! This blog post discusses a few specific oils that might help you do that.


Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) occurs when tissues in the throat block the free flow of air. Things like allergies and chronic nasal congestion can worsen OSA symptoms. Fortunately, eucalyptus is often able to reduce airway congestion and promote better breathing during sleep. Simply put a few drops of eucalyptus oil in your diffuser to enjoy its benefits. Or, you could purchase a chest rub that features eucalyptus as an ingredient.


Peppermint oil has a reputation for being a powerful anti-inflammatory, which means that it may be able to minimize airway congestion and disordered breathing during sleep. It can also aid in removing excess mucus from the sinuses, which can further contribute to undisturbed breathing.


Lavender is known for having a very mild sedative effect. Its calming properties may be able to help you unwind at night and enjoy more peaceful sleep. In fact, there is even research to suggest that it can help people spend more time in the deeper stages of sleep, which is especially important for individuals with OSA.


Like lavender, chamomile is known for its ability to promote feelings of calmness and tranquility. It binds with benzodiazepine receptors in the body, which leads to relaxed feelings. Whether you use chamomile essential oil or have a cup of chamomile tea before bed, you might find that it makes a valuable contribution to your nighttime routine.


Bergamot is what gives Earl Grey tea its distinct aroma and flavor, but it does more than taste good! It also has been known to enhance mood and promote peaceful sleep.

Using Essential Oils for Better Sleep

Here are a few notes that you should keep in mind if you choose to use essential oils for better sleep:

  • They are not a substitute for professional sleep apnea therapy. You should continue to use your custom oral appliance, CPAP machine, or other sleep apnea treatment from your doctor.
  • Be picky about which oils you use. Not all essential oils feature the same quality and purity. You might need to try a few different brands to find one that you trust.
  • Essential oils can interact with some medications. It is important to do research on how your prescriptions and supplements might be affected by the use of essential oils.

Essential oils can provide an easy and natural way to reduce sleep apnea symptoms. They might just be worth a try!

Meet the Practice

Dr. Alex Johnson is an orthodontist with more than 30 years of experience. He helps patients conquer obstructive sleep apnea via custom oral appliances and airway orthodontics. If you would like to consult with him about how you may be able to achieve healthier, more rejuvenating rest, contact our Palm Harbor, FL, office at 727-786-7550.