Issues: Spacing, Anterior Openbite, Narrow Maxilla (Upper Jaw)
Treatment: Maxillary Expansion, Full Braces
Result: Airway Redevelopment, Straightened Teeth, Closure of Openbite
Dr. Johnson has literally helped thousands of people change their smiles for the better, and he prides himself on always personalizing his care to achieve the perfect result. You’ll find just a few examples below, and you can look forward to this quality of care when you come to see him. You or your child can achieve the same kind of smiles featured on this page, and to get started, all you need to do is give us a call.
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Issues: Spacing, Anterior Openbite, Narrow Maxilla (Upper Jaw)
Treatment: Maxillary Expansion, Full Braces
Result: Airway Redevelopment, Straightened Teeth, Closure of Openbite
Issues: Class III Underbite, Anterior Crossbite
Treatment: Full braces, Carriere Appliance
Result: Straightened Teeth, Full Bite Correction
Issues: Class III Underbite
Treatment: Maxillary Expansion, Maxillary Protraction, Full Braces
Result: Airway Development, Crossbite Correction, Straightened Teeth
Issues: Crowding
Treatment: Maxillary Expansion, Full Braces
Result: Airway Development, Straightened Teeth
Issues: Crowding, Narrow Maxilla (Upper Jaw), Deep Overbite
Treatment: Maxillary Expansion, Full Braces
Result: Airway Development, Corrected Bite, Straightened Teeth
Issues: Crowding, Anterior Crossbite
Treatment: Full Braces
Result: Straightened Teeth, Crossbite Correction
Issues: Crowding
Treatment: Full Braces
Result: Straightened Teeth
Issues: Crowding
Treatment: Full Braces
Result: Straightened Teeth
Issues: Crowding, Deep Overbite
Treatment: Full Braces
Result: Straightened Teeth, Bite Correction
Issues: Crowding, Deep Overbite
Treatment: Full Braces
Result: Straightened Teeth, Bite Correction
Issues: Spacing, Deep Overbite
Treatment: Full Braces
Result: Straightened Teeth, Bite Correction
Issues: Crowding, Deep Overbite
Treatment: Invisalign Teen
Result: Straightened Teeth, Deep Overbite Correction
Issues: Crowding, Deep Overbite, Excess Overjet
Treatment: Invisalign Teen
Result: Straightened Teeth, Bite Correction
Issues: Spacing, Posterior Crossbite, Narrow Maxilla (Upper Jaw)
Treatment: Maxillary Expansion, Invisalign Teen
Result: Airway Development, Widened Maxilla, Straightened Teeth
Issues: Crowding, High Canine
Treatment: Invisalign Teen
Result: Straightened Teeth
Issues: Crowding, High Canine
Treatment: Full Braces
Result: Straightened Teeth
Issues: Spacing, Deep Overbite, Excess Overjet
Treatment: Full Braces
Result: Straightened Teeth, Correction of Overbite and Overjet
Issues: Spacing, Deep Overbite, Excess Overjet
Treatment: Invisalign Teen
Result: Straightened Teeth, Correction of Deep Overbite
Issues: Deep Overbite, Excess Overjet, Spacing
Treatment: Full Braces
Result: Straightened Teeth, Correction of Deep Overbite, Correction of Excess Overjet
Issues: Deep Overbite, Anterior Crossbite, Spacing
Treatment: Full Braces
Result: Straightened Teeth, Correction of Deep Overbite
Issues: Excess Overjet, Spacing
Treatment: Full Braces
Result: Straightened Teeth, Correction of Excess Overjet
Issues: Narrow Maxilla (Upper Jaw), Airway Restriction
Treatment: Phase I Treatment Included Maxillary Expansion
Result: Airway Development, Widening of Upper Jaw
Issues: Spacing, Excess Overjet, Deep Overbite, Narrow Maxilla
Treatment: Maxillary Expansion, Full Braces
Result: Airway Development, Straightened Teeth, Deep Overbite Correction, Widened Maxilla
Issues: Anterior and Posterior Crossbite, Retracted Maxilla (Upper Jaw), Narrow Maxilla, Airway Restriction
Treatment: Phase I Treatment Included Maxillary Protraction Orthopedics, Maxillary Expansion
Result: Airway Development, Correction of Crossbite
Issues: Narrow Maxilla (Upper Jaw), Airway Restriction, Anterior Openbite
Treatment: Phase I Treatment Included: Maxillary Expansion, Limited Upper Braces
Result: Airway Development, Widening of Upper Jaw, Correction of Anterior Openbite